^BAdriatic Sea and the Balkan states,^b satellite image. The Adriatic Sea (left to lower centre) separates Italy (left) from the Balkan states. Along the sea's east coast, these are, from top to bottom, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. Inland from these states to the east are, top to bottom, Hungary, Serbia and Macedonia. The northernmost part of Greece is at bottom right, encircling the top of the Aegean Sea.

Adriatic Community


The Adriatic Community is a concept based on a common geography, history, and origin. It is an initiative focused on dialogue and sharing with the aim of developing a new dimension of economic, political, and cultural exchange among countries surrounding a common sea: Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Albania.

This program aims to give shape to an Adriatic Community, conceived as a geoeconomic space of peace, stability, and prosperity between Europe and the Mediterranean.

It is a concept that allows to overcome categories and create new shared and constructive paths. A Community in constant internal dialogue while also looking towards the Wider Mediterranean.