On April 21, 2021, the Pax Humana Hub was established at Palazzo Rospigliosi in Rome, initiated by Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace and hosted at the Coldiretti headquarters. Through the signing of a Letter of Intent, it officially transforms into a central hub for strategic and operational efforts in promoting peace, security, and development across the Afro-Mediterranean region. Among the notable signatories were Maria Nicoletta Gaida, the President of Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace, Vincenzo Boccia, the President of Luiss Libera Università degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, Ettore Prandini, the President of the National Confederation Coldiretti, Giuseppe De Bellis, the Director of SkyTG24, Lapo Pistelli, the Director of Public Affairs at Eni, and Giuseppe Del Villano, the Corporate Affairs Director of Terna.
In October 2021, Pax Humana Hub, in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli University and SkyTG24, promotes a 2-week training program in journalism and management for 14 young men and women from various regions of Mali. The courses, inaugurated by Gianni Riotta, Director of the “Massimo Baldini” School of Journalism at Luiss Guido Carli and led respectively by professors from Luiss Business School and SkyTG24 journalist and documentarian Flavio Maspes, aim to train conscious and responsible professionals by providing them with essential tools to practice their profession ethically and constructively for the benefit of their communities and their country. Presenting the initiative at the diploma award ceremony for the young Malians were Giovanni Lo Storto, Director General of Luiss; Maria Nicoletta Gaida, President of Ara Pacis Initiatives; Matteo Giuliano Caroli, Professor of International Business at Luiss Business School; Alfio Rapisarda, Group Head of Security at Eni; and Liliana Faccioli Pintozzi, Head of Foreign Affairs at Sky Tg24.
On April 21, 2022, the Pax Humana Hub evolves into Pax Humana Foundation, a platform where public and private institutions, economic entities, and civil society collaborate to foster and actualize peace, stability, and development in the wider Mediterranean region. Initiated by Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli University and Eni s.p.a., the Foundation presents its programs and goals at the Luiss Business School. Introduced and moderated by the General Director of Luiss, Giovanni Lo Storto, the event sees the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Luigi Di Maio, and the Minister Delegate for Health and Humanitarian Action of Mali, Omarou Diarra. Participants include Vincenzo Boccia, President of Luiss Guido Carli University; Maria Nicoletta Gaida, President of Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace; Lapo Pistelli, Senior Vice President and Public Affairs Director of Eni; Filippo Uberti, Health Manager of Eni and Secretary-General of Eni Foundation; Gianni Riotta, Director of the Massimo Baldini School of Journalism; Giuseppe De Bellis, Director of Sky TG24; Egidio Ivetic, Professor of Modern History and History of the Mediterranean at the University of Padua and the Director of Institute for History and Society and the Venetian State of the Giorgio Cini Foundation; and Andrea Prete, President of Unioncamere.
On 7 December 2022, the Pax Humana Foundation and the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) sign a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a dynamic and inclusive partnership to promote economic, cultural and social growth in Rwanda. The parties undertake to elaborate and implement participatory projects with a strong economic and social impact by involving national and international stakeholders with a view to mutual development.
On April 5, 2023, Pax Humana Foundation is registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Prefecture of Rome.
On September 1, 2023, the Pax Humana Foundation and the Gbowee Peace Foundation Africa (GBFA), chaired by Leymah Gbowee, Liberian Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2011 and co-founder of Ara Pacis Initiatives for Peace, sign a Memorandum of Understanding to promote peace initiatives in Liberia and other countries of mutual interest
Via della Vignaccia 215, 00163, Rome, Italy